Sunday, March 13, 2011 it another chance

So, today, I decided to give Prezi another go at it.  If it were not because of my Web 2.0 class, I probably would not have gone back to this tool.  To my surprise, I was quite pleased with some of the changes.  For some reason, I felt as though it was much more friendlier to use.  I created a prezi on rain gauges. (click to view it online...I did make this public for anyone to copy and use) This was a bit challenging for me to do seeing as though it is geared towards 3rd graders for an environmental science class.  Seeing as though I have always been a high school teacher, it was a challenge to think how an elementary teacher would give the information.  I tried to make the words a simple as I could.  I also made sure to include lots of pictures and a video on how to actually make their own rain gauge.  In the future, I would like to see what it is like to collaborate with someone else on meeting tool option.  Basically, in a nut shell, I will using prezi again!

(Oh, and it is always interesting to see what you learn when you do these type of things.  I really never did research on rain gauges so I learned a few things.  I did not know that they are typically measured in millimeters.  Also, I saw some interesting rain gauges.  If you want to see a cool one, click here


  1. Craig,
    I felt the same way when I first saw prezi. I put in on the back burner for a year or so. I changed my mind a few months ago when one of my students showed me a presentation he made for AP Psychology. I enjoy the fact you can create a presentation, embed video, allow others to collaborate on the same presentation and then share with the rest of the world.

    I enjoyed your rain gauge presentation. Nice job!

  2. The first time I used it (just this week) I was a little frustrated too. It seemed a little unnatural to use, and was somewhat uncomfortable, but in the end it came out nicely. I guess it takes patience and practice but I think it's a cool tool for the classroom.
