Friday, March 11, 2011

Reminded Why I Teach

Tonight, was a great ending to a very rough week.  (I think that it was one of the toughest ones that I have been through in a while.  We as teachers are going through a lot as we will be teaching on the same contract for the second year without a raise or step increase.  Needless to say, morale is low and teachers like myself do not feel valued.)  I participated in the annual pasta dinner party with the new Habitat for Humanity group who will be going to Houston/Nashville to help those that are less fortunate during spring break this year.  This group of 30 students are a great group.  I was rejuvenated yet again.  I was reminded why I do what I do.  I know that these students will get a lot out of the experience and I look forward to what lies ahead.  As one student told us at our gathering, we only have 37 days left until we board the plane.  I cannot wait! 

1 comment:

  1. Our teachers have gone through similar frustrations recently. We had a year of no contract at all. I am glad that your Habitat group raised your spirits! For me, in that particular year, it was my group of Helping Paws students who improved my mood at the Holidays by collecting loads of supplies for our local animal shelters. We teach for the benefit of those kids.
